Black and White Clutch by Monica Rickhoff Wilson

Black and White Clutch by Monica Rickhoff Wilson


12 x 15 x 13 inches, A conglomerate of porcelain and terracotta with layers of black engobe over white matte microcrystalline glaze. Pieces are assembled post glaze-firing and shift slightly when moved. This sculpture can be held and heard, and may be placed in different configurations.

I am a ceramic sculptor and I formulate my own glazes. I bridge chemistry, geology, and art to create objects relating to comfort and desire. This current body of work references abundance and fertility with an edge toward excess and obsession. My ceramics are conglomerates of porcelain and terracotta, layers of color and pattern, and are fused with high and low temperature glazes. I use movement, weight, and the impulse to hold and keep, to build visceral sensations in both image and object. -Monica Rickhoff Wilson

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